Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Report Cards & Library Books

This is just a reminder that report cards go home on Friday; they do not need to be returned to the school. However, if you have not returned your library books or paid for a replacement, the report card will not be released until the library account is settled. This is a fairly common school policy.
  • Example 1: "If materials are overdue at the time of report card mailing, report card may be held."
  • Example 2: "Any student with unpaid library fees at the end of the school year will have their report card held until the fees are resolved."


  1. awwe im going to miss everyone =,(
    this is so sad =[

  2. Carol, when you get to Korea, try to contact to this blog.!!

  3. kk =] i will try hehe =]

  4. wow Carol hasn't contacted yet...
