Monday, November 28, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday - New memory verse

Tuesday - 6M Social Studies test

Wednesday - Instruments + Music
-Table Talks - DUE -

Thursday - No chapel
-Grade 4 and 5 Christmas Play matinee
-November Reading Logs - DUE -
-Term 1 Service hours - DUE -
-Bible memory verse and handout (6M)

Friday - Bible memory verse and handout (6B) - Due
-Problem of the week - Due

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Grade 6M Socials Studies Update

Test date: Tuesday, November 29
Format: There are two parts to the test. There is a “closed” and “open” book portion.

Closed book: Students are expected to be able to identify the countries within the Horn of Africa on a map. They will need to know the names of the countries and the capital cities of each country.

Open book: The remainder of the test will be “open” book. The students have information on handouts that they will be able to use to answer questions. There will be two aspects to these questions. (1) Students will be able to accurately provide information (2) Students will be able to “dig deeper” and apply the knowledge they have.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Khan Academy videos

6B is required to watch the following videos for homework tonight.
They are both under 5 minutes.

-"Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions"
-"Changing an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number"

Students have been shown how to find the videos on the Khan Academy website.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday - New Problem of the week
Tuesday - 6B Science quiz
Wednesday - Legendary stories due
- Instruments and music
Thursday - Instruments and music
Friday - No school - Pro D

Problem of the week (due Dec. 2)

Double Jeopardy
A participant in a game show ran into a streak of bad luck. On the first question she lost half her money. On the next question she lost half of her remaining money. On the following question the wrong answer cost her $300. She lost half her remaining money on the next question. Finally, she answered a question correctly to win $200. The show came to an end with her winnings totaling $1200. How much money did she have before her losing streak began?

NOTE: This problem is due December 2 because there is no school this coming Friday.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Important Updates

6B – Science quiz on electricity – 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 review sheets – This Tuesday, Nov. 22
6M – Final/good copy of family story due Wed. Nov. 23 – typed and double-spaced with creative words added in.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday - New memory verse assigned

Tuesday - boys volleyball (during the day)

Wednesday - girls volleyball (during the day)
-Instruments + Music

Thursday - Chapel
-memory verse and handout due (6M)

Friday - Instruments + Music
-memory verse and handout due (6B)
-Problem of the week -Due-

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Grade 6 French

French sheets “Mets les mots en ordre”
- 6M due this Thursday (10th)
-6B due next Monday (14th)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday - Field trip forms
- new problem of the week (due Nov 18)
Tuesday -
Wednesday - BAND evaluations
- Cenotaph (11:00 - 1:00)
Thursday - Percussion workshop (12:03 - 12:35)
- Bible "open book" review of "The Library of the Bible"
Friday - Remembrance Day - No school

**no memory verse this week**
**Please make sure your child has signed up for
If you have questions/concerns about this, please contact your child's teacher.

Problem of the weeks (Due November 18)

Friday, November 4, 2011

6M Updates

• Read letter re: math and Khan Academy. Create a gmail account and visit Khan Academy website
• Return permission form for cenotaph field trip next Wed.
• Complete written rough copy of family story is due this Wed. Nov. 9
1. Interesting first sentence/grabber that begins the introduction of the story (where, when) This leads into the…
2. …Character sketch, which leads to the…
3. …detailed body of the story, which needs…
4. …and exciting/interesting ending.
• A number of 6M students have not been keeping up with their reading logs for the last two months – reminder to read every school night for at least 20 -30 minutes. The parent signatures for reading logs are due on the first day of each month
• Reminder that math problems of the week start on Monday and are due on Friday