Monday, December 12, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday: -No memory verse this week
-No problem of the week this week

Tuesday: -talent show (afternoon)

Wednesday: -instruments + music
-grade 6 "street clean"
-6B buddies in the afternoon

Thursday: chapel (morning)

Friday: Grade 6 "game day" (board games, card games)
-6B Science assignment - DUE -

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Grade 6 Boys Basketball update

Practice time next week (December 12 – 16):
*Monday, December 12

-lunch time practice
-after school practice from 3:00 – 4:30
*Thursday, December 15
-lunch time practice
-NO after school practice

Upcoming tournament date: Wednesday, February 15
Location: Pacific Academy

There will be more information coming in the New Year.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday - New memory verse

Tuesday - 6M Social Studies test

Wednesday - Instruments + Music
-Table Talks - DUE -

Thursday - No chapel
-Grade 4 and 5 Christmas Play matinee
-November Reading Logs - DUE -
-Term 1 Service hours - DUE -
-Bible memory verse and handout (6M)

Friday - Bible memory verse and handout (6B) - Due
-Problem of the week - Due

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Grade 6M Socials Studies Update

Test date: Tuesday, November 29
Format: There are two parts to the test. There is a “closed” and “open” book portion.

Closed book: Students are expected to be able to identify the countries within the Horn of Africa on a map. They will need to know the names of the countries and the capital cities of each country.

Open book: The remainder of the test will be “open” book. The students have information on handouts that they will be able to use to answer questions. There will be two aspects to these questions. (1) Students will be able to accurately provide information (2) Students will be able to “dig deeper” and apply the knowledge they have.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Khan Academy videos

6B is required to watch the following videos for homework tonight.
They are both under 5 minutes.

-"Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions"
-"Changing an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number"

Students have been shown how to find the videos on the Khan Academy website.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday - New Problem of the week
Tuesday - 6B Science quiz
Wednesday - Legendary stories due
- Instruments and music
Thursday - Instruments and music
Friday - No school - Pro D

Problem of the week (due Dec. 2)

Double Jeopardy
A participant in a game show ran into a streak of bad luck. On the first question she lost half her money. On the next question she lost half of her remaining money. On the following question the wrong answer cost her $300. She lost half her remaining money on the next question. Finally, she answered a question correctly to win $200. The show came to an end with her winnings totaling $1200. How much money did she have before her losing streak began?

NOTE: This problem is due December 2 because there is no school this coming Friday.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Important Updates

6B – Science quiz on electricity – 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 review sheets – This Tuesday, Nov. 22
6M – Final/good copy of family story due Wed. Nov. 23 – typed and double-spaced with creative words added in.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday - New memory verse assigned

Tuesday - boys volleyball (during the day)

Wednesday - girls volleyball (during the day)
-Instruments + Music

Thursday - Chapel
-memory verse and handout due (6M)

Friday - Instruments + Music
-memory verse and handout due (6B)
-Problem of the week -Due-

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Grade 6 French

French sheets “Mets les mots en ordre”
- 6M due this Thursday (10th)
-6B due next Monday (14th)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday - Field trip forms
- new problem of the week (due Nov 18)
Tuesday -
Wednesday - BAND evaluations
- Cenotaph (11:00 - 1:00)
Thursday - Percussion workshop (12:03 - 12:35)
- Bible "open book" review of "The Library of the Bible"
Friday - Remembrance Day - No school

**no memory verse this week**
**Please make sure your child has signed up for
If you have questions/concerns about this, please contact your child's teacher.

Problem of the weeks (Due November 18)

Friday, November 4, 2011

6M Updates

• Read letter re: math and Khan Academy. Create a gmail account and visit Khan Academy website
• Return permission form for cenotaph field trip next Wed.
• Complete written rough copy of family story is due this Wed. Nov. 9
1. Interesting first sentence/grabber that begins the introduction of the story (where, when) This leads into the…
2. …Character sketch, which leads to the…
3. …detailed body of the story, which needs…
4. …and exciting/interesting ending.
• A number of 6M students have not been keeping up with their reading logs for the last two months – reminder to read every school night for at least 20 -30 minutes. The parent signatures for reading logs are due on the first day of each month
• Reminder that math problems of the week start on Monday and are due on Friday

Monday, October 31, 2011

Problem of the week

Santa’s Ladder
Santa is standing on the middle rung of a ladder on his way up to a chimney. He goes up three rungs, down five, and finally up ten rungs to the top of the ladder. How many rungs are there on Santa’s Ladder?

Grade 6 this week

Here are some of the rhythms of the week for grade 6.

Monday - On this day in history... Martin Luther study
- introduction of a new problem of the week
- given a new weekly memory verse

Tuesday - 6B Reading logs due (October)

Wednesday - Instrument + Music

Thursday - Chapel
- Weekly memory verse *due (6M)

Friday - Instrument + Music
- Problem of the week *due
- Weekly memory verse *due (6B)
- Pizza lunch fundraiser

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Date change

Due to weather, we are moving our Tynehead hike to tomorrow (Thursday), instead of Friday. We will be leaving around 10:45 from the middle campus and should be back around 12:30.
If any parents would like to join us, feel free to email either of the grade 6 teachers.

Mr. Bisschop

Monday, October 24, 2011

This week

Monday - New memory verse assigned
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Parent/teacher conferences
-Music and instruments
Thursday - Parent/teacher conferences
Friday - Music and instruments
-Tynehead hike (11:00 - 12:30)
-Bible memory test
-Problem of the week (due)
-Socials ReTest (6B)

Problem of the week

"Poker Problem"
Many years ago baseball players would be paid after each game played. Many hot card games carried on into the wee hours of the morning. Four players on the Buzzards, Melvin, Harvey, Bruce, and Rollo, began a game with $233 between them. When the game ended at sunrise, Melvin had $20 more than Harvey, $53 more than Bruce, and $71 more than Rollo. How much money did each player take home?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday -
Tuesday - return cross country forms
Wednesday - Cross Country (all day)
Thursday - Chapel
-6M Bible memory test & handout
Friday - Instruments and music needed
- 6B Bible memory test & handout
- Problem of the week due
- immunization (morning)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Things to expect this week in grade 6:
Wednesday - BAND - instruments + music needed at school
Thursday - Chapel
Friday - Social Studies test (6B)
- Science Test (6M)
*A study guide has gone home*
- BAND - instruments + music needed at school
- Problem of the week DUE

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Family Story

Students have been asked to come to school with a significant family story. This should be a "legendary" story. More then what you did last summer, or last weekend.
You can think in terms of a story that would be shared from one generation to the next.

On Tuesday, October 11 they need to be prepared to begin working on developing their story.

6B Social Studies test

Date: Friday, October 14

Students have received a list of possible questions. To help study please do the following:
*Find the answers to the questions in your notes
*Write down the answers
*Review the answers daily
*Have someone ask the questions orally

NOTE: We will go over the questions on Tuesday, October 11 to help students prepare for the test.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Are Canadians helping in the Horn of Africa?

Investigate each of the following Canadian organizations to determine what, if anything, they are doing to help with the many problems facing the people living in the Horn of Africa region.



Save the Children

Canadian Red Cross

World Vision

CARE Canada

CCFC Canada


Monday, October 3, 2011

Problem of the week

How many palindromes occur on a twelve hour digital clock?

Note: the " : " is ignored so that 1:11 and 11:11 represent palindromes.


a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forward,

Grade 6 this week

Here are a few important things to remember this week:
*No bible memory verse will be assigned.
*Thursday and Friday - No school - Pro D
*Wednesday work block? If you want to take advantage of it, let your teacher know.

Earth Keepers

Monday, September 26, 2011

Grade 6 this week

Monday - Picture day!
- memory work assigned
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Terry Fox Assembly
- BAND (instruments & music)
Thursday - 6M Bible memory test
Friday - 6B Bible memory test
- BAND (instruments & music)
- Table Talk - Due

Problem of the week - 6B


Imagine folding a large piece of paper in half.
▪ If you continue this process until you have folded it 50 times, how many layers of paper will you have?
▪ What is the rule for the number of layers compared to the number of folds?

Grade 6 – Memory verse – Week of September 26 - 30

God created me – Psalm 139: 13, 14
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

What TRUTH can we learn from these verses?

Since we know this TRUTH, how are we to respond to God?

What could this (response) look like? (at school, in the classroom, at home)

How can these verses help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Traffic Pattern Change

No access to 88th Avenue from 162nd Street
beginning Tuesday, Sept. 27 to Friday, Sept. 30th
There will be huge signs, electronic boards and road signs, informing us of the closure.
For parents and buses, this (ALL TRAFFIC)will have to approach the school from the north side of 162nd and have to exit towards the north side as well.

Monday, September 19, 2011

This week in grade 6

Monday - Memory work is assigned

Tuesday -

Wednesday - Music & instruments @ school

Thursday -

- Music & instruments @ school
- Derby Reach (10:30 - 2:30)
- 6B memory work (Due)

NOTE: Students have PE every day. They should have proper clothing and footwear at school each day.

Grade 6 – Memory verse – Week of September 19 – 23

GOD SPEAKS TO ME – II Timothy 3:16
All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.

Define the following words:
Teach - ____________________________________________________________________________

Rebuke - ___________________________________________________________________________

Correct - __________________________________________________________________________

Train - ____________________________________________________________________________

What does it mean to be righteous?

How does this scripture verse help you grow in your faith?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Athletic Opportunities

• cross country running, Monday and Wednesday 3-4pm
• volleyball girls start next Tuesday at lunch and Wednesdays 3:4:30
• volleyball boys start Thursday next week, then Tuesday and Thursdays 3-  4:30pm

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Derby Reach

We are currently planning a grade 6 excursion to Derby Reach. What we need are parent volunteers to drive students.
Date: Friday, September 23
Time: 10:30 depart from SCS middle campus
Return: 2:30 arrive back at the SCS middle campus

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A new year!

Welcome back! Please check this blog frequently for updates on assignments, field trips, and classroom activities.

Your grade 6 teachers

Monday, April 4, 2011

Country Studies - Book Review

Due Date: April 29 (Friday)

Below is the description of this assignment. This is part of the larger Country Studies project.

Assignment Description:You are to read a novel that is about your country or the story is set in your country. Construct an eight to ten sentence paragraph summary (not a play by play) on the book. Be sure to include the title of your book, the author’s name, and the number of pages. Avoid using personal pronouns in your summary. For example, “I enjoyed…” Pay attention to the tense in which you are writing and keep it the same throughout your summary. Full bibliographical details must be included in your bibliography.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

6V - Chinese Potluck

What a feast!  Thank you to all of the wonderful people who prepared and delivered food to our class for today's potluck.  We had a fantastic meal together as a class.  I think that there may be a few people having a smaller supper tonight!  Thanks again from 6V.

6V - A Visit From Miss Van Esch

Ms. Van Esch is a former SCS teacher who now teaches and lives in Tokyo, Japan.  Due to the current situation in Japan, she has returned to Canada for the time being.  Ms. Van Esch shared her story with us allowed the class to ask her questions about her time in Japan.  She reminded us of the importance of having an earthquake plan and earthquake preparedness kit in case of an earthquake here on the West Coast.  She also asks that we continue to pray for the nation of Japan in this time of disaster.

Monday, March 7, 2011

This week in 6B

Monday -
Tuesday - Math test
-Reflective writing response (China Town)
Wednesday - Track
Thursday - China Map test
Friday - service hours due

Sunday, March 6, 2011


What a great day! A huge thank you to all of our parents that gave of their time to accompany us to Chinatown on Friday. Including students, chaperones and teachers, we were a group of over 110! After devouring yummy coconut buns (still warm!) fresh from a local bakery, groups dispersed on their walking tour of Chinatown. Each group had an iTouch with which they created a short movie containing video clips and still photos. We will be spending some time next week viewing them in class.

Monday, February 28, 2011

6B - week of February 28 - March 4

Monday- New Scribbler assigned
Tuesday- February Reading Logs Due
Wednesday- Track
Thursday- Scribbler Test
Friday- China Town Field Trip

Note: *Your child is currently working on a "mini project" in which they compare and contrast a part of Canada with that of China. They have created a question with a partner and are in the process of researching answers to their questions.
**Next week Tuesday we will be having a cumulative test for term two on the concepts that have been covered. We will be reviewing for this during the next week.

Monday, February 21, 2011

6B - This week

Monday - China projects assigned
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Spelling review
-Class picture day
-Anti bullying day - wear pink
Thursday - Reverse engineering day
Friday - Pro D day

Additional notes:
-We are still in need of more parent volunteers for our China Town Field trip.
-The service hour deadline for term 2 is approaching.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

7 Billion in 2011

Check out this video produced by National Geographic. I will be showing it to my class and discussing it. I also posted a link posted to the NG website which will take you to an interactive feature about the world of 7 billion.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chinatown Field Trip - Friday, March 4

We are currently planning an all day experience in Chinatown for Friday, March 4. The plan is to leave the middle campus after a short meeting and attendance being taken. All of 5/6H will be joining us, so we will have a large group this year! Due to the fact that the bus will only seat 70 students, we are in need of parent chaperones who are willing to lead a group and drive either students or parents to Chinatown. Our plan is to divide the classes into small groups of 5 or so students and assign one or more chaperones to a group, depending on how many parents volunteer. The students will have a booklet containing a walking map of Chinatown with some questions to answer along the way.

If you are interested in spending the day with us in Chinatown on March 4, please send a note or an email to your child's teacher by Thursday, February 24. (We can't do this field trip without chaperones.)

6V Devotions - Country Focus - HAITI

The presentation below is for those students who were away today and missed the latest installment of our weekly devotional. This week's country focus was Haiti. Please continue to remember the people of Haiti in your prayers - there are hundreds of thousands of people living in desperate conditions without access to clean water, medical attention, regular meals and suitable housing.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

6V Extreme Environment Presentations

Check out Jacqueline's website that she created about volcanoes. You can find it at:

Monday, February 7, 2011

6B This week (February 7)

Monday - Instruments
-PE (back to normal this week)
-Presentations (Extreme Environment Projects)
Tuesday - -Presentations (Extreme Environment Projects)
Wednesday - Grade 6 - Girls and Boys Basketball
Thursday - Chapel
Friday - Track
*Note: No Scribbler this week

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Square Dancing

The entire middle school has been practicing their square dancing skills this week!  Check out the pictures and video below.

Monday, January 31, 2011

6B - Week of January 31 - February 4

Monday - New Scribbler assigned
Tuesday - January reading logs due
Wednesday - Instruments for BAND
-Mr. Karpiuk - Anti-Bullying talk
Thursday - Chapel
Friday - Scribbler test
-Extreme Environment Projects - due

*Class time will be given each day to complete Extreme Environment projects.
*Each day this week we have a guest coming in teaching different square dancing routines.

Monday, January 17, 2011

6B - week of January 17 - 21

We will continue to work on our "extreme environment" projects throughout the week.
In addition, students can expect:
MONDAY - Instruments needed
WEDNESDAY - Instruments needed
-Track evaluation
THURSDAY - Spelling review
-Egg Drop (1:30 pm)
FRIDAY - Scribbler test

Monday, January 10, 2011

6B -week of January 10 -14

This week we are beginning a project based unit in Science. Students should be prepared to work on their projects each day of the week.
Monday: Project topic selection is due
Wednesday:Band & choir
-Track (evaluation)
Friday:Scribbler test
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mr. Bisschop