Monday, January 23, 2012

grade 6 this week

Monday - bible memory test

Tuesday - grade 6B and 6M skating at Robson Square

Wednesday - instruments and music

Thursday - Chapel
-6B Science test

Friday - no school (Pro D)

NOTE: There will not be any new memory verses this week and no Problem of the week.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Problem of the week

Chip and Dale separated the peanuts they had collected into two piles. One pile was for doubles (shells with two peanuts inside), and the other for triples (shells with three peanuts inside). Whey they had finished shelling the peanuts, Chip and Dale had 35 shells and 78 peanuts.
How many shells were doubles and triples?

Remember to include:
• Solution
• Strategy
• proof

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Grade 6 boys’ basketball - UPDATE

Play dates information
The following are play dates scheduled for the grade 6 boys’ basketball team.
 Monday, January 23 @ Surrey Christian Middle School (3:00 – 4:30)
SCS vs. Immaculate Conception School
 Monday, February 5 @ Immaculate Conception Elementary School (3:00 – 4:30)
SCS vs. Immaculate Conception School
Address: 8840 119th Street, Delta, B.C. V4C 6M4
NOTE: We will need drivers for this play date. If you can drive students to and from this school on this date, please email Mr. Bisschop ASAP. []

Tournament Information
Tournament Date: Wednesday, February 15 @ Pacific Academy
Time: During school hours (Students may need to be at school early. They may also need to be picked up after school.)

These are the dates that we currently know. There is a possibility that there will be a few more. As I learn more, I will be sure to let you know.
Mr. Bisschop

Grey Cup visit!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Grade 6 skating!

When: Tuesday, January 24
Where: Robson Square in Vancouver

The Grade 6 classes will be skating on the 24th. If any parents would like to join us please let your child's classroom teacher know. We will be taking a bus there.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Problem of the week (Due Friday)

Henry the VIII

The King of noble girth said, "You there, Victualer, have you procured the food for the upcoming wedding feast ?"
"No sire", he meekly replied, "I did not know how much of each I was to get".

"Listen carefully, and do what I say", growled the King. "180 head of bird and beast, you are to cook for my great feast. 500 feet they have to stand on, the number of each you now must land on".

2012 - week 1 in grade 6

Monday - no school

Tuesday - new memory verse
- new problem of the week

Wednesday - music and instruments

Thursday - memory verse and handout (6M)
- chapel

Friday - music and instruments
- first grade 6 choir block
- memory verse and handout (6B)
-problem of the week - due -