Monday, January 31, 2011

6B - Week of January 31 - February 4

Monday - New Scribbler assigned
Tuesday - January reading logs due
Wednesday - Instruments for BAND
-Mr. Karpiuk - Anti-Bullying talk
Thursday - Chapel
Friday - Scribbler test
-Extreme Environment Projects - due

*Class time will be given each day to complete Extreme Environment projects.
*Each day this week we have a guest coming in teaching different square dancing routines.

Monday, January 17, 2011

6B - week of January 17 - 21

We will continue to work on our "extreme environment" projects throughout the week.
In addition, students can expect:
MONDAY - Instruments needed
WEDNESDAY - Instruments needed
-Track evaluation
THURSDAY - Spelling review
-Egg Drop (1:30 pm)
FRIDAY - Scribbler test

Monday, January 10, 2011

6B -week of January 10 -14

This week we are beginning a project based unit in Science. Students should be prepared to work on their projects each day of the week.
Monday: Project topic selection is due
Wednesday:Band & choir
-Track (evaluation)
Friday:Scribbler test
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mr. Bisschop